EVENT: 20 July: ‘Navigating the Opportunities of Digital’ with the IoD and Deloitte in Jersey

Posted: 29/06/2023

Join us for this interactive workshop hosted by the IoD Jersey and sponsored by Deloitte in Jersey.

The event aims to provide business leaders with essential insights and the necessary confidence to embark on and successfully navigate the realm of digital opportunities.

We are delighted that Deloitte’s Dr. Tim Bottke, Associate Professor at SDA Bocconi and Senior Partner at Deloitte and WSJ Bestselling Author of ‘Digital Transformation Payday: Navigate the Hype, Lower the Risks, Increase Return on Investments’ will be guest speaker.

Reserve your place here: https://bit.ly/43GxqbE

20 July at The Royal Yacht Hotel in Jersey, 8:15am to 11:15am

💡 This event is eligible for 3 CPD points.

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