IoT Sandbox

Jersey is a ‘walled garden’ of 100,000 digitally-connected citizens, which offers a well-proportioned testbed to develop new products, solutions and services in the Internet of Things (IoT) space.

Why Choose Jersey as your IoT Sandbox?

Jersey offers great opportunities for a wide variety of enterprises to test small-scale applications to develop business cases for wider implementation.

The Island is particularly well positioned as a testbed for IoT applications given the exceptionally high rate of smartphone ownership, in addition to leading-edge gigabit speeds.

Businesses looking to use Jersey as a testbed for IoT solutions will benefit from:

  • A highly developed network infrastructure with rapid connectivity. Access to award-winning Tier 1 carrier (mobile and fixed) infrastructure to enable easy testing, research, and development of products
  • A digitally enabled population, skilled workforce and thriving tech community
  • A full critical infrastructure on a micro scale, one electricity company, one water company, an international airport and a passenger and cargo port
  • Easy access to key stakeholders including regulators, industry and government
  • The jurisdiction’s typical western demographics
IoT Use Case

Find out more about Swiss company Meteomatics recent trial of Meteodrones in Jersey

IoT Use Cases

Meteomatics - Weather Drone Trials

Using Jersey as a testbed, Swiss company Meteomatics successfully trialled their unique weather drone; a flying weather station with the capability to collect data from this atmospheric boundary layer.

Meteomatics have a number of return visits to Jersey scheduled, working together with Digital Jersey to show the world how the benefits of the Sandbox Jersey testbed, underpinned by drone enabled city-scale weather forecasting, will drive innovative service development and citizen engagement.

View Case Study

Drone Square

 Track My Bus - Public Transport Initiative

C5 Alliance worked with Liberty Bus and the States of Jersey to design and develop a solution to track the real time physical location of all buses on the island direct from a smartphone.

Easy access to the States of Department for Growth, Housing and Environment (formerly Department for Infrastructure) combined with the rapid connectivity of Jersey’s Island-wide mobile network ensured that Jersey was the ideal testbed for ‘Track my Bus.’

View Case Study

By testing your IoT product or service in Sandbox Jersey, you can access an impressive range of services, facilities and organisations.



The island of Jersey is your wide scale, but compact, testbed for deploying IoT technology, applications or devices. You effectively have access to a progressive, representative community of 100,000 well-connected citizens, enjoying an advanced, sophisticated level of public infrastructure and services:

  • 118 mobile subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
  • 100% gigabit fibre connection throughout the island
  • First in the world in broadband speed
  • Three independent 4G networks covering the island
  • Three dedicated Internet of Things (IoT) networks (NBIoT and Two LPWANs including LoRa)
  • 100% of broadband connections to schools, homes and businesses are gigabit fibre


Our Fintech Sandbox gives you access to Digital Jersey’s existing shared workspaces, the Digital Hub and Eagle Labs, soon to be joined by a dedicated IoT Lab and showcase space. We can also arrange or recommend access to other facilities as required.




Jersey’s unsurpassed fixed and wireless telecommunication networks permit high quality end-to-end testing, either passively, or in active configuration through agreed interaction with a local carrier. Comprehensive 4G wireless coverage using multi-vendor network infrastructure, layered frequency networks, wireless and fixed backhaul technologies employed, global interconnection through wide-ranging roaming arrangements. World-leading FTTH and FTTP network deployment provides a gigabit connection to every home and business on the island.

Infrastructure Partners

The Digital Jersey community consists of public, independent and private tier one organisations willing and able to provide infrastructure, knowledge and capabilities for use in your testing. Among them utilities, including local power, water and postal networks, transport operators and providers, including harbours and airports, and telecom networks.


Expert guidance

You may need to explore and test your IoT service against various public statute and compliance regulations. Through our extensive networks and strong working relationships we can call upon the guidance of individuals and organisations working in the field of Fintech and regulation, legal precedence, data protection and intellectual property amongst others, should you require it.

Development Opportunities

We can help you launch your start-up in Jersey, offering support to help you establish and operate from the island if required. We can also introduce providers of venture
capital and facilitate discussions of joint-venture support should this be required.

Request a call back

There is a clear commitment to work with organisations coming to Jersey for the purposes of testing IoT technology, applications and devices. Our dedicated team are here to provide support to your business throughout the entire process.

Our integrated island testbed

The opportunity to develop, test, and launch new innovative products, without the high cost and complex legal, government and regulatory barriers faced in other cities or markets such as London.

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