Digital Jersey welcomes new TAG Chairs

Posted: 18/03/2013

Digital Jersey Limited is pleased to confirm that its Technical Action Group (TAG) Chairs have now been appointed. The TAGs will form an integral par...

Digital Jersey Limited is pleased to confirm that its Technical Action Group (TAG) Chairs have now been appointed.

The TAGs will form an integral part of the organisation’s infrastructure, providing specialist knowledge and support for Digital Jersey’s aims and objectives, which were outlined in the 2013 ROADMAP at a Breakfast Briefing in January.  Each group will focus on a different priority for Digital Jersey, including areas such as market research and working collaboratively with other organisations and local businesses.  All of the Digital Jersey Board Members will also support the different TAGs, depending on their area of expertise. 

CEO of Digital Jersey, Ted Ridgway Watt  commented:

“I am absolutely delighted with the level and quality of response we have had from industry with regards to the formation of our TAG’s.   The fact that there are so many experienced and successful people willing to contribute their personal time and resources to help us to develop Jersey’s digital economy is extremely encouraging to me, both as CEO of Digital Jersey, and also a newcomer to the Jersey community.   I have every confidence that the appointed Chairs, working with Digital Jersey members and community and also the expert guidance of the Board, will be the foundation of our success going forward.”

The TAGs and their Chairs are:

JULIAN BOX for Education and Skills  – To ensure timely coordination with the Education Department, Julian was appointed Chair of Education and Skills back in December, the first of the TAGs to be formed. This TAG has been working to develop a strategy that will encourage effective engagement with schools and education providers and ensure that island residents have the skills necessary to develop a digital, connected community.

IAN JAUNCEY for Research and Knowledge – This group will be responsible coordinating the analysis of knowledge gaps, research of relevant trends and target markets, to establish where the optimum business development opportunities and value propositions are for Jersey.

PAUL MARETT for Business Development – This group will focus on developing the Digital Jersey proposition and supporting local businesses, as well as establishing off-island business opportunities, both in terms of inward investment and the export of products and services.

CHRIS EVANS for Regulation and Legislation – This group will work to identify and prioritise any legal and regulatory changes that would be of benefit to Jersey’s digital industry, and work with the necessary stakeholders to quickly achieve these changes.

FRANK WALKER for Infrastructure and Government – This group will work to ensure that the interest of the digital industry is represented and championed, both in government and with key partners essential to the development of appropriate infrastructure, including the utilities.

As well as a Chair, each TAG will have a number of skilled and experienced members from industry. 

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