GDPR - it's time to start doing

Posted: 12/04/2018

As at the date of publishing, there are just 31 working days to go until the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force. We know it's coming,...

As at the date of publishing, there are just 31 working days to go until the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force. We know it’s coming, in fact, everyone seems to be talking about it, but what must an organisation do to adhere to the Regulation, to demonstrate compliance and avoid hefty fines? Read on and find out more about the GDPR Playbook Do It Yourself Guide™

The GDPR is coming, but what should we be doing?

As at the date of publishing this blog, there are just 31 working days to go until the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force. We know it's coming, in fact, everyone seems to be talking about it, but what must an organisation do to adhere to the Regulation, to demonstrate compliance and avoid hefty fines?

We're bamboozled with advice from everywhere, but can someone just tell us what exactly we need to do?! It's kind of exhausting…

GDPR Data Protection What Howgif


Organisations need to stop workshopping and start DOING! But how much you have to do, change or prepare for, will depend a lot on the volume and kind of data you process. You might be a tiny operation, yet deal with large-scale personal data processing, equally, you could be a large, international organisation, but process very little personal data. Whatever the size and sector of your organisation, you need to be prepared.

Not ready? Don't worry, you are not alone. Even the mighty Facebook is not yet completely ready for the GDPR.

A journalist took a photo of the notes used by Mark Zuckerberg at a recent Senate hearing with US politicians following the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Caption: A journalist took a photo of the notes used by Mark Zuckerberg at a recent Senate hearing with US politicians following the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
As we can see above, from the notes, Mark Zuckerberg, Owner and CEO of Facebook left behind after his meeting with the US Senate following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook is not yet ready for the GDPR!

Did he intend to leave his notes for all to find? Surely this hasn't boded well for Facebook's reputation? See this article on 'Facebook isn't ready for the GDPR'.

Aside from his privacy faux-pas, you don't need to be unprepared like Mark. Marbral Advisory is really excited to share with you news of the latest addition to our suite of transformational change products.


The GDPR Playbook Do It Yourself Guide™ is a set of modules which, when carried out in sequence, walk you through the things that you need to consider, and produce, in order to comply with the GDPR. 



The GDPR Playbook content is fully comprehensive and is supported by content, tools and methodologies advocated by the leading global Supervisory Authorities, including the UK ICO and the Belgian Data Protection Authority.

What's so unique about this product is that it takes you right from discovery to full implementation. Guiding you, carefully, through each module. As you go, you download and complete templates, documents and registers, which form a record of your work towards demonstrating GDPR compliance.

We think this is pretty cool…


At the end of each module, you are invited to book a dedicated one-to-one with a GDPR practitioner to discuss your progress. You can use this time to ask any burning questions about the GDPR you may have. Or maybe you'd like additional guidance on some of the documents you have completed?

Depending on the Playbook version purchased, you can also book up to twelve hours additional support time with a GDPR practitioner. This is included in the price, there are no surprise extras awaiting you. They can support you with pretty much anything you need, be that one-to-one guidance or even the production of templates and support documentation for your organisatIon.

So, in conclusion. The what, why and how of GDPR compliance isn't so much of a mystery and more importantly, is still in your grasp. 

To find out more about the GDPR Playbook – Click here.


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