Support National Coding Week 2015

Posted: 19/05/2015

This year, National Coding Week is being held on the 21st – 27th of September and in celebration of Coding Week, Digital Jersey are offering free ac...

This year, National Coding Week is being held on the 21st – 27th of September and in celebration of Coding Week, Digital Jersey are offering free access to the Hub facilities to anyone who is interested in holding a workshop related to code.


What is National Coding Week?

National Coding week was launched last year and is set to become an annual event in a bid to tackle the UK’s growing digital skills shortage.

The key aims of National Coding Week are to:

  • Encourage adults of any age to learn an element of computer coding
  • Encourage digital experts to share their skills
  • Collaborate, share, learn and have fun!


Ways in which you can get involved

Events will fall under various categories including: Reverse mentoring, online training, face-to-face training, and sharing expertise / skills. It is hoped that the range of ways to engage with the event will allow everyone, no matter how immobile or remotely based, to get involved and improve their understanding of code.

Reverse Mentoring

Option 1 | Bond with people

Do you know someone who is learning code or who works with it? This could be your child/grandchild who is learning code at school, a neighbor, or a work colleague. Get them to teach you for a couple of hours during the week. This is a simple way to start your digital journey.

Learn Online

Option 2 | The resource is infinite

Online learning is one of the easiest ways to get started with coding. There is a wide selection of companies that will offer free training, tutorials, or trials.

Offer your skills

Option 3 | Share the digital love

For our 2014 inaugural week we have approached people in each region and asked them to hold an event to promote coding. If you want to organise your own then please do so and let us know. Remember we can help promote it but can’t help you organise it – this is our “crowd sourced approach”.

If you are a computer programmer, developer or digital professional and would like to offer your services, get in touch regarding next year’s week.

Attend a local course

Option 4 | Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Don’t feel daunted by the prospect of attending a course. The trainers will want you to enjoy the experience and gain confidence. Beginners’ courses are very popular and will assume you have very little or no previous knowledge to get you started. To find your nearest provider just use Google!

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