Green Jobs Barometer for the Channel Islands

What are “green jobs” in the Channel Islands context? The net zero transition will be significant for the islands, our economies, jobs and skills.

  • 29th June 2022
    2:00pm - 3:00pm


PwC virtual event

Last year, PwC UK published a Green Jobs Barometer for the UK, which measured the relative performance of UK regions and industry sectors on their progress in developing green jobs.

Here at PwC Channel Islands, we have recently applied the same methodology to the Channel Islands economy. There are five pillars to the research, together providing a view of how the green transition is already impacting the labour market:

On the 29 June we’re hosting a short virtual briefing, as we launch our publication of Green Jobs Barometer for the Channel Islands. In this session, we will share our specific findings and implications for the Channel Islands, including results of a survey from 1,000 local workers, which highlights their expectations of employers in transitioning to a greener economy.

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