Jersey's unique digital asset - Jersey 3D

Gavin Duffy from 3D environment simulation company, RealSim will discuss the building of Jersey 3D along with Ralph Buchholz, planner and project lead...

  • 14th September 2016
    4:30pm - 6:00pm

Gavin Duffy from 3D environment simulation company, RealSim will discuss the building of Jersey 3D along with Ralph Buchholz, planner and project lead for the States of Jersey.

They will present the rationale behind its development, technical challenges and how they were overcome, and how it has been used by the planning department over the last 4 years to help planners and stakeholders better understand changes to Jersey’s built environment.

Gavin will also discuss the potential uses of Jersey 3D beyond its current planning use from security, to tourism, commerce, heritage, open data, gaming and beyond.

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