Jersey Electricity plc is a vertically integrated power utility dealing in the importation, generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. We serve around 50,000 domestic and commercial customers. Providing affordable, secure and sustainable energy is our core objective. Our vision is to inspire a zero-carbon future.
We meet over a third of the Island’s total energy requirements and around 95% of the electricity we supply is imported from low carbon, hydro (36%) and nuclear (64%) sources in France through three undersea supply cables. The latest of these links, the £30m, 100MW Normandie 1 (N1) was commissioned in December 2016.
N1 enables us to meet the Island’s full demand with low carbon supplies and has given us the ability to virtually de-carbonise Jersey’s electricity supply. At 24g CO2e / kWh for the year 2019-20, Jersey’s electricity supply is one tenth the carbon intensity of the UK’s supply, calculated at 233g CO2e / kWh in 2020. The remainder of electricity comes from the Government-owned Energy from Waste Plan and, since 2019 some on-Island solar power.
We operate a number of other businesses, including our Building Services Business (JEBS), the largest electrical retailer in Jersey (Powerhouse), a commercial and residential property portfolio, a software development consultancy for utilities (Jendev) and leading Channel Islands environmental and building services advisory firm (Jersey Energy).
The Jersey Electricity Company was established on 5th April 1924 and it became Jersey Electricity plc in March 2010.
We are a public company, listed on the London Stock Exchange, with an annual turnover in excess of £100m. The Government of Jersey owns 62% of the ordinary share capital which is unlisted.