Ports of Jersey Limited is the incorporated business that operates the Island’s Airport and Harbours.
Our core business is highly regulated in safety and security and is constantly subject to external scrutiny. However, despite this regulated side of the business there’s a large business to consumer piece delivered by our Jersey Marinas and Customer Relations teams.
We’re here to not only provide the necessary infrastructure to allow Jersey Airport and Harbours’ operations to take place, but also to enrich the experiences and journeys of our customers through high quality services.
Our role is to continue to develop the facilities, services and products for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses. We can be relied upon to create, operate and deliver outstanding results. As well as our core business, we additionally undertake a number of public service obligations on behalf of the Island’s government, including Jersey Coastguard and Historic Harbours.
We run a diverse, flexible and growing business. Whilst we have many core business activities that deliver services for the Island we pride ourselves on our central role in the community in which we work.
Since our incorporation in October 2015, and each year since, we provide the equivalent of £500k of community benefit. We support local clubs and societies, raise money for local charities, support Jersey events and continue our educational programmes on sea safety.
We operate four brands:
• Jersey Airport
• Jersey Harbours
• Jersey Marinas
• Jersey Coastguard
We also deliver two of Jersey’s largest community events:
• Barclays Jersey Boat Show
• Jersey International Air Display
We’re uplifting our customer journey experience, through investing in our people and enhancing the services and facilities they provide across our customer-facing operations.