Facebook Advertising for your Digital Business

Facebook advertising can be a powerful tool for your business. The ability to target niche audiences directly and cost effectively has revolutionised ...

  • 14th March 2018
    8:45am - 12:30pm

Facebook advertising can be a powerful tool for your business. The ability to target niche audiences directly and cost effectively has revolutionised marketing. Getting to grips with how you should be optimising your business presence on Facebook, creating adverts, and even using automated messenger bots to improve engagement, are just some of the areas that will be covered in this workshop.

This is suitable for digital businesses who have already set up a Facebook business page but need to know how to take it forward and optimise its marketing potential.

Your tutor is Katherine Salt. Katherine has been professionally social since 2010 when she discovered the benefits of social media for her bricks and clicks business Plums Lingerie. Katherine founded Digital Salt www.digitalsalt.co.uk in April 2016, which helps companies take full advantage of the opportunities given by the new digital landscape.

There is a nominal charge to cover our costs. Croissants and coffee will be available.

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