What Makes a Website?

Cobra Coding will be presenting a 1hour workshop on the fundamentals of web development and the tools you need to get started. This will be a 1hour se...

  • 19th September 2017
    1:00pm - 2:00pm

Cobra Coding will be presenting a 1hour workshop on the fundamentals of web development and the tools you need to get started. This will be a 1hour session suitable for absolute beginners no laptops are required.

Introduction to the digital industry. Text editors and devices. HTML and CSS introduction. Next steps.

Jersey Library are pleased to be presenting this event as part of National Coding Week 2017, in partnership with Cobra Coding. For more information about National Coding Week visit www.codingweek.org.

Free admission: to reserve a place visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-makes-a-website-tickets-37810803130?utm_term=eventurl_text

What Makes a Website? 2pm – 3pm, Tuesday 19 September: Eagle Lab @ Jersey Library

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