A reflection on 2014: Gaining momentum & delivering commitments

Posted: 20/11/2014

Digital Jersey is a critical initiative for the future of the island and its economy, acting as an accelerator for the digital economy and our society...

Digital Jersey is a critical initiative for the future of the island and its economy, acting as an accelerator for the digital economy and our society, it represents a community of stakeholders including industry, government, students and the residents of Jersey

To deliver our economic, social and reputational objectives we have focused our attention towards three key areas, namely:  

  • Creating an effective digital ecosystem that enables businesses to flourish
  • Ensuring the availability of skills to meet the digital sector’s needs, both today and in the future
  • Growing a pipeline of business development opportunities for existing and new business on-island and through inward investment.

A summary of 2014 details some of our achievements and celebrates some significant successes for industry:

Launched the Digital Hub which now over 80 businesses and individuals using the hub has residents. We have hosted 850 members meetings, 42 workshops, 9 events and two launches

Created 100 new jobs within the digital sector. We have also surveyed 65 companies, in which 54 additional positions have been added to date, with an additional 50+ projected by the end of the year.

  • Hosted the Island Innovators Unconference with 120 international VIP delegates from 20 Countries
  • Develop relationships and put Jersey on the global digital map, attending global conferences
  • Launched a coding programme to support local skills development, this 6-month course incorporates online learning and an individual mentor for each student
  • Improved the pipeline of business development opportunities; a recent example ‘Logfiller’ will create 35 positions over the next two years
  • Worked alongside the finance industry to support Fintech development, including Cryptocurrency leadership
  • Hosted several Fintech start-ups and supported the Global Advisors Bitcoin Investment fund (GABI), the first ever specialist investment fund in Bitcoins. As well as leading Jersey’s first Bitcoin workshop conference
  • Developed a new eHealth service for online patient consultations
  • Supported eGovernment, proving industry engagement and support for the eGov initiative. We provided a report on industry viewpoints on eGov and led industry government discussions

Since our launch, we have established ambitious and deliverable goals, including measurable annual targets and aspirational long-term objectives. During 2014 we have gained considerable momentum and are pleased to confirm that we will meet all of our commitments, including the target for job creation. 


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