Posted: 27/10/2014
Digital Jersey Board Member Ivan Nikkhoo presents on how we might create a sustainable digital ecosystem in Jersey Drawing on his experience in ventur...
Digital Jersey Board Member Ivan Nikkhoo presents on how we might create a sustainable digital ecosystem in Jersey
Drawing on his experience in venture capital investing and his role in taking companies through multi stage investments to exit, Digital Jersey Board Member Ivan Nikkhoo is actively involved with a number of accelerators across the globe, he described the essential ingredients that a digital ecosystem must have for long term success. As part of this journey he contrasts Jersey's position with well-established ecosystems to stimulate debate on where action needs to happen.
This seminar provides a different perspective of that given by another Digital Jersey board member, Ben Hammersley in July where he engaged the audience on the subject of “Why becoming Silicon Valley would be a terrible thing”.
Ivan's presentation can be found here.