Fusion Development in Beta Testing Phase of New Carbon Balancing App

Posted: 11/03/2022

Fusion Development have announced the running of their beta testing phase of their new carbon balancing app.

An environmental project, developed by Fusion Development for Ports of Jersey, was beta tested over the half-term holiday by St Michael’s School at the Digital Jersey Hub. The product is a web application that travellers can download and use to donate.

Fusion Development have developed this app for free as part of their social responsibility/environmental commitment. For this project, Ports of Jersey are collaborating with Durrell’s Rewild Carbon scheme to plant trees and restore ecosystems at several sites around the world in an attempt to offset islander’s travel.

Fusion’s founder and app development lead, Zach Denholm said: “ Working on the project with Ports of Jersey and Durrell has been incredibly eye opening. Aiming to travel sustainably is one of the biggest challenges of our time. But, there is huge potential and opportunity for tech firms to work in parallel and help make the advances we need for a cleaner, more colourful future.”

Hayley Routier, Digital Jersey’s Member and Stakeholder Engagement Manager said: “We are delighted that Fusion Development, one of our members, is supporting such an important scheme and charity by giving up their time for free to develop this new carbon offset app. Durrell are only able to continue with their remarkable work with the support and generosity of others, and technology will play a huge part in the success of their Rewild Carbon scheme.”

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