Posted: 29/09/2017
Yesterday Digital Jersey hosted Jersey’s first Health Technology Summit, providing people with the opportunity to come and listen and interact with...
Yesterday Digital Jersey hosted Jersey’s first Health Technology Summit, providing people with the opportunity to come and listen and interact with some of the leading pioneers and advocates of integrated health technology. Taking place across two events, with two key note speakers at each, over 200 attendees learned first hand about some of the world’s most successful technology change programmes, and what role digital industry can play in the future of health and care systems, which will ultimately impact all of us through the improvement of patient care. The guest speakers included:
Dr Amir Mehrkar – the NHS Digital clinical lead for Integrated Care supporting the Paperless 2020 vision on the ‘Robin Hood principle of data sharing’.
Andy Kinnear – referred to as a ‘Rock Star CIO’ – an NHS Chief Information Officer & BCS Chair of Health & Social Care, with an outstanding delivery record of leading major organisational and technology enabled change programmes.
Adrian Byrne – the Director of Informatics at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust with 15 years’ experience in building an Electronic Patient Record strategically and through evolution, aiming for a single sign on to a common user experience.
Jason Turner – Jersey’s Deputy Chief Executive Health & Social Services with significant experience in the UK, encompassing both public and private sectors, Jason is responsible for planning, development and maintenance of the department’s wide range of IT systems and informatics functions.
Tony Moretta, CEO of Digital Jersey, commented:
“In January of this year Digital Jersey and the Health and Social Services Department published its first ever Digital Health Strategy, the culmination of a project involving government, digital industry and health practitioners from all areas, in order to set out the Island’s ambitions and approach to digitising the Island’s health and care system by 2025.
Essentially, the aim is for Jersey to have a digitally world class health and care system that uses technology everywhere to improve every aspect of care, and be an Island where innovation in integrated health care flourishes.
Today, some of the world’s leading pioneers in integrated health technology came to Jersey to provide insights into how they have encouraged digital transformation in their own work. It is important that we learn from experts of this calibre as we begin to implement our own strategy.”