Posted: 17/12/2019

The pilot stage of the world’s first nationwide air quality monitoring system is almost completed in Jersey and will soon be providing near-real-time data on the environment around 27 of the Island’s schools.

The hyper-local air-quality monitoring mesh is being installed by UK-based AirSensa, working with Government and Digital Jersey.

30 sensors have been installed in 10 parishes, including at 27 school sites. Data from these sensors is now being collated and quality checked before being released to the public and government for evidence-based decision-making in the new year.

Digital Jersey CEO Tony Moretta said: “It is great to see the data coming in from these pilot sites and once the necessary quality checks are completed, we are looking forward to starting to share that data with everyone. 2020 will see the second stage of this ground-breaking project, and we are urging businesses and schools to get on board and help us install a further 200 sensors around the Island. Nowhere else on the planet will then have the environmental monitoring, and its resultant data-driven decision making, that we will have here in Jersey.”

Airsensa, which specialises in the integration and analysis of environmental and urban data, chose Jersey to launch the world’s first whole jurisdiction monitoring system, because of the Island’s connectivity and sandbox testing initiative.

The new monitors measure not only nitrogen dioxide in real-time, which is linked to increased respiratory illnesses, but also ozone, airborne particles PM10 and PM2.5, temperature and humidity. At present, Jersey’s air quality is continuously monitored, at only one site in St Helier, with some pollutants only periodically sampled in a few locations.

Jonathan Steel, Chief Executive of AirSensa Ltd said: “We are delighted with the progress in installing the initial sensors – the data we are already seeing come through will provide essential real-time information to benefit the health and quality of life for every islander. We are looking forward to rolling out the rest of the project in 2020 – a further 200 sensors across the parishes – providing comprehensive island-wide monitoring – a world first for Jersey.”

Digital Jersey is calling on businesses who can help with sponsorship of this project, to get in touch with Head of Business Development, Chris Knight: [email protected]

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