JT Announces its 3G Switch Off Timeline

Posted: 02/01/2024

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JT has confirmed that like many of its UK and European counterparts it intends to begin the phased switch off of its 3G mobile network across the Channel Islands from January 2025.

While 3G has supported calls and data for nearly twenty years, the vast majority of users now use other mobile technologies. Today, JT’s 3G network carries approximately 5%* of user data traffic, which is declining all the time.

JT’s continued move towards network modernisation also contributes to a greener future. By retiring this technology JT is another step closer to reducing its carbon footprint, as modern networks like 4G and 5G not only deliver superior customer experiences but are also more energy efficient.

To ensure a smooth transition, JT is issuing more than a year’s notice and over that time will assist and guide customers without modern handsets onto the right device for them.

To learn more about JT’s 3G switch-off and the accompanying initiatives, please visit www.jtglobal.com/3Gswitchoff.

*monthly average is between 3-7%

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