Posted: 19/02/2015
In February 2015, Digital Jersey in partnership with organised an Open Source Day at the Digital Jersey Hub which was kindly sponsored ...
In February 2015, Digital Jersey in partnership with organised an Open Source Day at the Digital Jersey Hub which was kindly sponsored by E-Scape.
The day showcased Open Source solutions and technology, which offer an alternative to proprietary systems more commonly used by businesses.
There were a mixture of Workshops and Exhibits, along with 2 keynote speakers; Graham Morrison, Editor and Co-founder of Linux Voice magazine and Simon Brown, Software Architect and Evangelist.
Videos can be found below from the keynote and workshop sessions.
Workshop: A+ HTTPS” on Ubuntu – Tom Brossman
Workshop: Exploiting Buffers Overflows – Paul Dulot, CIIFS
Workshop: World Wide Web Domination with WordPress – Rob Dudley, TechTribes
Workshop: A journey in resilience and scalability – Jason Stratford, E-Scape
Keynote: Graham Morrison, Editor and Co-founder of Linux Voice magazine