Posted: 29/09/2020
Phundex is pleased to announce that it has become a signatory to the IoD Jersey Diversity & Inclusion Charter
Phundex is committed to the core Diversity & Inclusion principles set out by the Charter, including:
1. We value a diverse range of perspectives, ideas and experiences, regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, neurodiversity, social orientation, language, cultural background, religious beliefs, educational background, socio-economic background, or marital, family or career status.
2. We build the knowledge, skills and tools to attract and retain the broadest possible pool of human talent, creating broader and richer workplaces to enhance creative thinking, innovation and problem-solving.
3. We promote and encouraging diversity and inclusion, raising awareness of the benefits of “walking-the-talk” and leading dialogues on best practice within our organisations and broader island community.
4. We are preventing unlawful discrimination, building workforces that are representative of all sections of society, and respecting every employee, volunteer, supplier and customer.
Practically speaking, that means that we:
• Have created a workplace culture where diversity and inclusion are important sources of enrichment, innovation and creativity and where all promote inclusion.
• Provide the tools and infrastructure (including flexible working) for all colleagues to achieve better work-life balance.
• Safeguard equal opportunities at every career step through diversity-led candidate recruitment and selection processes.
• Use targets to drive and achieve better gender, age, disability, and ethnicity balance at all levels in our organisation.
• Have non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies and procedures and have confidential channels, so any breaches are dealt with immediately by senior management.
• Have a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination, bullying and harassment of any kind.
• Provide on-going education at all levels on the potential barriers and unconscious biases that can prevent individuals from succeeding; fighting against stereotypes.
• Communicate our diversity and inclusion commitment and actions to all of our colleagues regularly, and involving all colleagues in strategy-setting and decision-making.
• Consider how often we plan to publish workforce diversity profiles and details of diversity and inclusion activities, including long term strategic plans and objectives
• Include diversity and inclusion as part of our supplier procurement process.
• Have established a diversity and inclusion advisory committee and mentoring plan to steer and monitor progress against our objectives
• Are building diversity and inclusion metrics into employee balanced scorecards and performance reviews.
• We have assigned our diversity and inclusion responsibility to our CEO, Heather-Anne Hubbell, who is responsible for providing regular progress reports to our management team.
• We work collaboratively within and outside our organisation to develop and adopt diversity and inclusion initiatives which support the practical implementation of this Charter.
We look forward to working with the IoD Jersy Diversity Sub-Committee and other Jersey, UK and other diversity and inclusion organisations to support this Charter
For more information, please see the IoD Jersey website here
For more information about Phundex or a demonstration of our platform, please email [email protected].