Triskel Ride Have Launched A New App

Posted: 24/05/2022

It’s time to save on commuting costs and protect the environment! Triskel Ride’s new car sharing app allows commuters to share travel costs, reduce the number of vehicles on the road during rush hour, and help Jersey attain its net-zero emissions target.

Xavier commented: “Most Islanders are struggling with rising costs, but Triskel Ride isn’t just a short term fix, it has long term gains. If we had less cars on the road during rush hour, we would not only improve air quality but all get to work faster and more efficiently. There are people who, for whatever reason, are unable to use the bus service, and yet their neighbours are making the same journey into and out of town each day and spending hundreds of pounds each month on car parking. As a sustainable mode of transport, we should try to include ride-sharing whenever possible in our everyday routines, whether we use it a couple of times a week or on a more regular basis. If we started sharing rides that would not only improve our environment and our lifestyles but also cut our costs.”

How does Triskel Ride work?

  • Users download the free app and can choose to verify their identity through Yoti. This provides security for any potentially vulnerable passengers and drivers. Drivers will also need to say they are insured.
  • With one click, users can see all available rides and ride requests on the dashboard.
  • The app will work out the cost of the journey and the equal share to be paid between all people on board based on mileage and the flat rate charge per mile.
  • Users will be able to keep a record of their environmental impact, with data showing how many vehicles they’ve removed from the road, and how much Co2 has been reduced.
  • Users will also be able to earn Eco points which can be used with local businesses.
  • Women can opt to have a female-only option.
  • Covid guidelines are followed. Passengers are advised to wear masks and if necessary open windows, while drivers are also encouraged to wipe down door handles.
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