Digital Strategy: Health & Care in Jersey

This digital strategy for health and care set out the broad ambitions and approach to 'digitising' the whole health and care system so that the benefits of digital technologies can in turn deliver benefits to patients, service-users and care professionals alike.
Digital health graphic

Scope of Digital Health and Care Strategy

This strategy is intended to cover all users of health and care services by Jersey citizens (and visitors to Jersey), irrespective of whether those services are paid for by the State, individuals, or some combination of both, and which may be delivered on-island, or indeed off-island through one of the many partnerships in the UK. This strategy is also designed to address all parts of the sector, wherever health and care is provided, and is therefore inclusive of services in primary, secondary, community, mental health, children’s services, social services, prison, voluntary and community sector, nursing and other private/independent agencies/organisations, so that there is a view of the digital needs of the ‘whole system,’ rather than focusing on smaller sub-sets which could skew efforts/investment.

Please see the Digital Health and Care strategy publication in full below or visit our Digital Health and eHealth page for more information.

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