Jersey aims to be a carbon neutral Smart Island

Posted: 26/07/2018

Switching from carbon-based fuels is a massive part of getting smart and Jersey, led by the Jersey Electric Company aspires to be a carbon neutral island.

Switching from carbon-based fuels is a massive part of getting smart and Jersey, led by the Jersey Electric Company aspires to be a carbon neutral island.

They currently import around 95% of the Island’s electricity from certified low carbon sources in France from renewable sources. So as other countries race to clean up their energy act and decarbonise their electricity systems, Jersey is leading the way to become a smart island.

Having laid a solid foundation, they are now moving their focus towards the demand side of the business, and how they can construct new products and services that give customers more value. They are again ahead of the UK in the deployment of Smart Meters having invested £11m over the last four years to provide all customers with a Smart Meter that links to an online Smart Account enabling them to monitor their electricity use better and identify how changes in consumption behaviours can reduce bills.

With an already decarbonised electricity supply that has helped Jersey reduce overall Carbon emissions by 40% since 1990, the only way to make further deeper cuts in carbon reductions is for the whole Island to work together to displace fossil fuels with electricity for heating, cooling and transportation – and to use it as efficiently as possible.

To do this you have to show people what this would mean for them at a personal level so JEC has adapted an area in a retail space where they can come see, touch and learn about the latest technologies that can help them live, cleaner, greener lives by learning how to be more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills.

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